Wednesday, April 12, 2017
One-Pan Spring Chicken with Asparagus and Edamame
Bright green spring vegetables and fresh herbs are the perfect way to liven up basic chicken breasts for spring.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Starbucks Japan's Cherry Pie Frappuccino Has A PIE CRUST Lid
A few years ago, we asked the Starbucks next door to our office if they could come up with some of the wackiest drinks possible. They came up with some of the coolest drinks we've seen behind that green and white mermaid logo. These included a Neapolitan Frappuccino and a Blueberry Breakfast Shake with a muffin top lid. While all those drinks had their fair share of sugar, it was bittersweet knowing you wouldn't be able to order at the coffee chain.
The Surprising Truth About Refrigerating Butter
One of the most heated debates in the kitchen is whether or not you should refrigerate butter. Some people cringe at the thought of leaving butter on the countertop, while others swear there's nothing worse than cold, hard butter straight from the fridge. It's an understandable question with an even more complicated answer. The short answer? It's OK to leave it out — with some restrictions.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
‘How I regained my health after bikini competitions’
After getting in the best shape of my life, I didn't know what to do next...
After four months of strict dieting, twice-a-day gym sessions six days a week, endless chicken breasts and egg whites, layers of fake tan and learning how to walk in six-inch heels; competition day arrives. All of the sacrifices and exhausting workouts lead to those 60 seconds on stage. I had shed 12kg and got my body fat down to 11 per cent. The day comes and goes. Now what?
The Power Abs Workout
Firm your deep ab muscles to shrink your waist, improve your posture, and gain more confidence. Do this circuit workout twice, three days a week, for a stronger core.
Monday, April 3, 2017
Chilli Garlic Potatoes
Indulge in this delicious Chilli Garlic Potatoes made with potatoes, garlic flakes, vinegar and spring onions. A delicious appetizer recipe ideal for celebrations like anniversaries, kitty parties or birthdays. One of the most famous Chinese recipe often found in the streets of India, this potato recipe is a must try.
Methi Singhara
To give your taste buds a different flavour this Navratri, you can prepare Methi Singhara for your friends and family. Cooked using fenugreek leaves, water chestnut, curd, melon seeds, poppy seeds and cashews, this appetizer recipe is truly delicious. Best enjoyed with whisked yogurt and coriander chutney, and this snack recipe will be an instant hit in your kitty party during Navratri season. Try this amazing snack recipe and enjoy with your loved ones!
Saturday, April 1, 2017
5 Awesome Workouts to End Treadmill Boredom
Whether it's Mother Nature, travel, a hectic schedule, or just plain old road weariness that's preventing you from running outside, turning to the treadmill can keep fitness levels up when we're being kept inside. With fun workouts that add a little variety to your routine, it's dreadmill no more! While studies suggest exercising outdoors might make us happier, more energetic, and less anxious, there are some perks to sweating it out inside the gym . Besides the convenience of seeing time and pace (and calories melt away), treadmill running is actually easier than running outside. But who are we kidding? Anyone who has spent some quality time on the ‘mill knows running in place can be a total drag.
How to Stop Muscle Cramps in Their Tracks
Whether you call them cramps, stitches, or just pains in the butt, muscle spasms put a serious damper on any workout—especially considering they usually strike without warning.
No one is immune to muscle cramps. Your calf muscles, hamstrings, quads, arms, and abs are most likely to be affected. There are plenty of possible culprits too, including being dehydrated, having poor blood circulation, not stretching enough, or just fatiguing your muscles. The news only gets worse: Cramps can occur up to six hours after exercising (talk about a sneak attack!); the notorious charley horse often happens in the middle of the night—and you thought nightmares were bad. Luckily, scientists have found things you can do to prevent and stop muscle cramps in their tracks
Friday, March 31, 2017
Spring Buckwheat Noodle Salad
British cooks Jasmine and Melissa Hemsley dress this vegetable-packed noodle salad with a deeply flavorful and tangy sun-dried tomato and Brazil nut pesto.
The Real Reason I Work Out? Because I Want to Live in Leggings
Here's how one woman's love of yoga wear motivates her to hit the gym.
The woman I want to be looks something like the woman I saw in a recent Athleta catalog. She’s effortlessly jumping across a babbling brook in a verdant forest—while wearing sleek slate-gray workout tights and a quilted jewel-toned hoodie. Or wait: Maybe I’m the lady doing yoga on the beach in a slouchy pale-pink tank top, who I saw pictured in the window at Lululemon. While I definitely admire both of their strong bodies and what looks like adventurous spirits (as well as their choice of vacation spots)—I also really, really want those clothes.
These 2 'Microworkouts' Are Super Short and Majorly Effective
No time to exercise? Try these quick routines from the researcher behind the one-minute workout craze.
Your schedule is jam-packed, and you've lost all hope of making it to the gym. But here's some good news: You can still fit in a serious workout even when you have almost zero time. Really!
Research suggests that a 10-minute sweat session with 1 minute of high-intensity exercise (think sprints, on foot or a stationary bike) can lead to the same benefits—including improved cardiovascular health, increased endurance, and fat percentage loss—as exercising at a moderate pace for 45 minutes.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
The Best Food and Drink Tips for Flat Abs
What, when and how you eat can make or break a beach body.
Foods that are high in prebiotics like asparagus are good for your gut – and how it appears.
Are you excited about the rising temperature, but panicked about shedding layers? Join the club. The good news is that if your goal is to be a little sleeker, especially through the middle, you can make simple changes to help you get from flab to fab. And I don't just mean doing endless planks and lower abdominal exercises. I also talk to my clients about how what, when and how much they eat affects the midsection. Here are five ways to eat (and drink) your way to flat abs:
Can Weightlifting Treat Depression?
Some people find strength training is a better mood booster than other types of exercise.
While studies suggest weightlifting can have mental health benefits, know your limits and hire a trainer to avoid injury.
The thought of doing something as ordinary as going to the grocery store used to overwhelm Becky Stuto, who's experienced depression for about 13 years. "Depression … is like bricks or a lead cape that you wear that is just weighing you down," she says. "Every task is overwhelming."
But today when Stuto, a 45-year-old associate clinical social worker in Sacramento, California, cracks her last egg or depletes her dark chocolate stash, a trip to the grocery store seems like what it is: something she, like everybody else, simply has to do now and then. "I'm OK with it," she says. "I feel lighter; my way of thinking is more proactive and not just stagnant."
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
21 Low-Impact Workouts That Are More Effective Than You Think
Every once in a while you should give your body a break from pounding the pavement, whether you're running, dancing, or playing sports. But before you take this as a sign to sink even deeper into the sofa, try a low-impact workout. They're easier on your body—your joints will thank you—and they can be a great way to get in a heart-pumping workout without worrying too much about injuries.
Most trainers define low-impact as any exercise where one foot stays on the ground at all times. But rather than doing single-leg dead lifts until keeling over, we rounded up 21 low- (or no!) impact exercises worth trying:
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Rack of Lamb With a Merlot Glaze and Cherry Reduction Sauce
- To prepare the sauce; combine the wine, cherries, garlic and shallot in a saucepan over high heat and reduce until the mixture is almost dry, about 10 minutes.
- Add the stock, decrease the heat to medium, and reduce until the sauce is thick and coats the back of a spoon, 10 to 15 minutes.
- Add the butter and stir until melted.
- Season to taste with salt and pepper.
- Keep warm until you are ready to serve.
- Preheat oven to 300*F.
- To prepare the glaze, combine the wine, vinegar, shallot and garlic in a saucepan over medium heat and reduce until about 1/2 cup liquid remains, 20 to 25 minutes.
- Set aside until you are ready to use it.
- To prepare the lamb, season the racks well with salt and pepper.
- Heat the oil in a large saute pan over high heat until smoking hot.
- Add as many of the racks as will fit without overcrowding the pan, meat side down, and sear well, 3 to 4 minutes; transfer to a sheet pan.
- Continue searing the remaining racks.
- Baste the racks well with the glaze.
- Set the pan in the oven and roast, basting every 5 minutes, until the meat reaches an internal temperature of 135*F for medium-rare doneness about 20 minutes.
- Remove the racks from the oven and let sit for about 5 minutes, then slice.
- To serve, place the slices on a warm serving platter and drizzle with some of the sauce.
- Garnish with rosemary sprigs and serve warm, with any extra sauce on the side.
Honey Baked Ham (The Real Thing!)
- First you must slice your ham, if it is not already sliced.
- Use a very sharp knife to cut the ham into very thin slices around the bone.
- Do not cut all the way to the bone or the meat may not hold together properly as it is being glazed.
- You want the slices to be quite thin, but not so thin that they begin to fall apart of off the bone.
- You may wish to turn the ham onto its flat end and cut around it starting at the bottom.
- You can then spin the ham as you slice around and work your way up.
- Mix the ingredients together in a small bowl.
- (I like to make double this recipe for a nice large ham).
- Lay down a couple sheets of wax paper onto a flat surface, such as your kitchen counter.
- Pour the sugar mixture onto the wax paper and spread it around evenly.
- Pick up the ham and roll it over the sugar mixture so that it is well coated.
- Do not coat the flat end of the ham, just the outer surface which you have sliced through.
- Again, I like to stuff some of the sugar mixture INSIDE the slices.
- Turn the ham onto its flat end on a plate.
- Use a blow torch with a medium-size flame to caramelize the sugar.
- Wave the torch over the sugar with rapid movements, so that the sugar bubbles and browns, but does not burn.
- Spin the plate so that you can torch the entire surface of the ham.
- Repeat the coating and caramelizing process until the ham has been well-glazed (don't expect to use all of the sugar mixture).
- Serve the ham cold (don't put the sugar between the slices if you plan on doing this) or re-heat (THEN put the sugar between the slices BEFORE you caramelize it) just like the real thing!
- Don't be frightened to use the torch!
- You can to it outside, if you wish.
- Just set it on something fire proof and have fun blazing away!
Sausage Frittata
- Cook sausage in large nonstick skillet over medium heat 4-5 minutes or until hot. Stir in potatoes.
- Beat eggs, cheese, salt and pepper in large bowl with wire whisk. Pour over sausage mixture.
- Cook over medium-high heat 2 minutes, occasionally lifting edge with spatula and tilting skillet to allow uncooked egg to flow underneath. (Do not stir.).
- Reduce heat to medium-low; cover. Cook 14-17 minutes or until eggs are set.
- Top with tomato and onions. Cut into 8 wedges to serve.
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Cheesy Cauliflower Breadsticks
Cheesy Cauliflower Breadsticks – gluten free, low carb, cheesy cauliflower breadsticks! This recipe is a winner and a keeper!
How are you all doing? Ready for a simple recipe that’s gluten free, low carb and really easy to make? I hope you are becausI’m really excited to tell you about this recipe. I have made cauliflower pizza crust before but at that time I felt that there were maybe just too many ingredients in the crust. I wanted a different easier version. And I was craving cheesy breadsticks so this is how I ended up making this. I don’t think this recipe could get any simpler. You simply add the cauliflower to your food processor and pulse it a few times until the cauliflower resembles rice then microwave the cauliflower for 10 minutes. You then add eggs and cheese some spices if preferred and shape it into your crust. That’s it! No squeezing the heck out of it to get all the water out, none of that is required and no worries, you will not end up with a soggy crust. Quite the opposite, you will have a nice firm crust. You just cannot get any easier than this.e this recipe is a winner and a keeper.
Friday, March 24, 2017
Short and sweet, but effective! The 20-minute hotel (or home) workout
HAVE YOU EVER found yourself stuck somewhere with limited space, but you need to work out?
You could just be at home, or you could be elsewhere.
How to find the right yoga class for you
Yoga has always had a reputation for being a softer form of exercise, but in recent years it’s had a revival. Not least because several studies have revealed its endless health benefits, including a recent one in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, which found that it can be more effective for weight loss than resistance training. In 2013 the same journal reported that doing 20 minutes of hatha yoga regularly can boost your brain power.
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Creamy Spinach Soup + Our New Book!
Woot woot! Before we jump into today’s recipe, we can finally share more information about our next book! It’s called Green Kitchen At Home and it’s something we have been working on under wraps for the past year. And now we have finally received a pre-copy of it. As the title suggests, this book is a gathering of all the recipes we eat most often in our home – our family’s favorite dishes really.
I make this salad at least once a week. How am I just now sharing the recipe?
It’s such a healthy, easy, and versatile dish that pairs perfectly with all things Mediterranean. Without further ado, my take on tabbouleh salad!
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Chipotle Chicken Fajitas
These spicy chicken fajitas take barely any time and require only a cast-iron skillet. Oh, and they're great too!
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Four reason to try slow exercise
HIGH Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is all the rage these days, but is it really any better than traditional cardio?
Are short or long workouts better for you?
IN RECENT years fitness trends have swung from short snappy HIIT sessions, to clocking up kilometres in preparation for a marathon.
But which is best — short or long workouts?
New study says vibration may be as effective as exercise
A US study has found sitting or standing on a vibration machine for just 20 minutes mimics the muscle and bone health benefits of a 45 minute walk, well at least for mice.
The Secret to Perfectly Crispy Fried Chicken
The fried chicken recipe you'll want to return to over and over again this summer, from a picnic in the park to a backyard potluck.
Cowboy Brisket
Every country home needs something simmering in the kitchen, so fire up this versatile big-batch recipe.
Spinach Alfredo Sauce (Better than Olive Garden®)
"Better than Olive Garden®! Top with grilled chicken on fettuccine pasta for a complete meal or use as a dip for bread sticks. Delicious rich and creamy spinach Alfredo everyone will love. When I make this dish, everyone raves over it! Add more spinach if you're a spinach lover or leave it out if you're not a fan. I like adding lots of garlic! For a thicker sauce, add more cream cheese."
Friday, March 17, 2017
Quick Chicken Piccata
"These quick and easy pan-fried chicken breasts are topped with a simple pan sauce made with capers, butter, white wine, and lemon juice."
Lemon Chicken Piccata
"This delicious chicken dish is exquisite and easy to prepare. The light and luscious lemon sauce really pops without being too acidic; it is simply divine. Serve it with herb-roasted potatoes or lemon-rice pilaf."
Sweet, Sticky and Spicy Chicken
"This chicken dish uses skinless boneless chicken breasts and tastes delicious. It's great as an appetizer or as a main dish served with rice and a veggie."
Easy Corned Beef and Cabbage
"This corned beef and cabbage recipe is quick and easy. A no-fuss meal, that's great for St. Patrick's Day or a weeknight family dinner."
Bourbon Chicken
- Editor's Note: Named Bourbon Chicken because it was supposedly created by a Chinese cook who worked in a restaurant on Bourbon Street.
- Heat oil in a large skillet.
- Add chicken pieces and cook until lightly browned.
- Remove chicken.
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Sheet Pan White Pizza with Salami and Peppers
ACTIVE TIME TOTAL TIME YIELD 30 mins 48 mins Serves 6
This pizza is flat out delicious! Hold the tomato sauce with this easy, one (sheet) pan pizza. Test Kitchen Tip: Preheating the sheet pan is key to achieving a crisp, crunchy, pizzeria-worthy crust at home.
This pizza is flat out delicious! Hold the tomato sauce with this easy, one (sheet) pan pizza. Test Kitchen Tip: Preheating the sheet pan is key to achieving a crisp, crunchy, pizzeria-worthy crust at home.
Sheet Pan Chicken Fajitas
You know how I love my easy dinner recipes, especially when they turn out to be something my whole family loves! This is definitely one to add to your recipe book. Even though these chicken fajitas aren’t seared in flaming hot cast iron pan they are still packed with flavor and will leave you craving more! I love that this makes a big batch and this will now be the way I make fajitas from here on out. Even my kids couldn’t stop talking about how good these were and they don’t normally care for fajitas.
Another thing I really love about this recipe is the fact that it’s all baked together in one sheet pan – of course meaning clean up is a breeze! You don’t even need a mixing bowl to toss everything together, you simply place the chicken and veggies on the sheet pan, sprinkle it with a fair amount of this DIY fajita seasoning, then you drizzle it with olive oil and give it a good tossing. Throw it in the oven and boda bing boda boom! This is how dinner is done! Try these incredibly delicious Sheet Pan Chicken Fajitas this week, you likely won’t find a single piece leftover in the pan by the time dinner is done! In other words, I have the feeling your family will really love these too!
Lighter Spaghetti and Meatballs
Pulse the sandwich bread in a food processor to form coarse crumbs. Add the beef, 1/4 cup onion, mushroom, 1 tablespoon garlic, parsley, and egg white; season with salt, pepper and nutmeg; pulse again to finely chop and combine. Portion into about 20 meatballs (about 1-inch in diameter) and place on a plate.
Vegetable Meatloaf with Balsamic Glaze
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Heat the oil in a large saute pan over high heat. Add the zucchini, bell peppers, garlic paste and 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes. Season with salt and pepper and cook until the vegetables are almost soft, about 5 minutes. Set aside to cool.
Irish Potatoes Candy
- NOTE: Be sure to use regular cream cheese, not whipped or reduced fat type.
- In a large bowl, cream together the butter and cream cheese.
- Add vanilla and confectioners' sugar.
- Beat until mixture forms a ball.
- Stir in coconut with a spoon.
Irish Bread Pudding With Jack Daniels Caramel-Whiskey Sauce
- BEFORE YOU BEGIN (OPTIONAL): Lay out bread slices and allow to get a crusty as possible (I will usually set out at least 24 hours in advance.) This allows the bread to become very dry and crusty so it can absorb as much pudding as possible. ALSO combine the raisins and whiskey in a small bowl, cover, and place in the refrigerator overnight to allow the raisins to soak up as much whiskey as possible. If you forget, the raisins only need to sit for about 30 minutes to soak up quite a bit of whiskey.
Chocolate Beer Cake
- Pre-heat the oven 350°F (180°C).
- You will need two 8 inch (20 cm) cake tins, 1½ inches (4 cm) deep, lightly greased, and the bases lined with baking parchment, lightly greased.
- Cream the butter and sugar together, beating thoroughly for 3 or 4 minutes until pale and fluffy. Now gradually beat in the eggs, a little at a time, beating well between each addition.
- Next, sift the flour, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda on to a sheet of baking parchment.
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